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That's right, trying my hand at this podcast thing again! This time my buddy Steve and I discuss anything but video games from 2016.

Just a few thoughts and considerations regarding what we do and do not know of the Nintendo Switch.
A quick overview of what I feel went wrong in 2016 and how I hope to correct it.
Forces have been stretched a bit too thin here, my liege.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions is 2/3rds good and 1/3rd tedious.
Combines classic 8-bit game design elements with very Platinum Studios style action to create a most interesting and engaging type of beginner's game.
I didn't finish Final Fantasy Explorers, and neither did Square-Enix.
Taking a glimpse at what makes the first season of the anime Food Wars such an enjoyable treat.
A comparison between both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, each game's strengths and each game's failures.
Perhaps better than Ocarina of Time itself?
My latest video review on a game with a troubled development history.
I went through some introspection during the process of crafting this video. While the response to it has been positive so far, watching the completed product leaves me with little more than a dissatisfaction within myself. This should not have been the final draft of the video’s script, and the next pass should have been willing to delve more deeply into many of the game’s flaws that I briefly reference. Instead, I wanted to try and get this video out as soon as I could, though a lack of faith in it only contributed to delaying its completion further and further.
I’ve felt stressed every week my blog is missing a post, I don’t put a new video up, and/or I go without a new article on GamersWithJobs. I put pressure on myself to try and be productive, but I ultimately end up feeling burnt out. This leaves me feeling animosity towards my day job, which only succeeds in burning me out even further by time I get home. The energy to do work diminishes and the desire to escape increases. My mental state collapses, as does my diet, which only contributes to further plummets down emotionally draining holes.
The accessible yet traditional fighting game I've been waiting for.
The Overwatch Beta was certainly enjoyable, but I question its staying power.
How the game and film fail to appropriately complement one another.