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How making the unpredictable just a little bit more predictable can maintain challenge while being more user-friendly.
Taking a look at the Clockwork Angels novel written by Kevin J. Anderson, based on and written alongside the Rush album of the same name.
A discussion on the purpose of a review, adhering to it, and the downfall of judging a game based on expectations.
Feels like the third entry in a two game series.
A comparison between the style of combat in Chrono Trigger and Bravely Default and how they work best with how combat encounters are implemented.
Sometimes you start to get a real feeling for a studio's design philosophy.
What could have been impressive—most impressive—instead falls a little short for a Storm Trooper.
Is a game more meaningful just because it makes you cry?
Even a lesser Platinum game is a really good game.
While I certainly enjoyed the game, and may write about it more in the future, Life is Strange ultimately feels hollow.
Until Dawn is a loving homage not just to horror films, but horror games as well.
I'm not necessarily anti-GamerGate, but I am anti-mob mentality, and the mob mentality cannot be avoided when your organization relies on being nothing more than a mob.
An overview of how Extra Life went this year and what I learned for 2016.
Chris takes John Updike's rules of literary criticism and tries applying them to games. This piece should not be considered final and always updating based on feedback.