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Some additional thoughts regarding my article on GamersWithJobs focused on my approach to playing Super Smash Bros. for WiiU.
Chris is once again joined by his brother and his droogs to discuss film. Today's topic: Fight Club.
Ever think about how a game feels to play? I certainly have.
A spoilerific discussion on Airtight Games' final release, Murdered: Soul Suspect.
It's just a lot more satisfying to sneak into a home and relieve the residents of the burden of high priced baubles and trinkets.
Celebrate Valentine's Day by partaking in a discussion on the many romantic failures of video games.
Chris starts a new part of his podcast series dedicated to analyzing films with his friends. For the first episode, Tim Burton's Batman in comparison with The Dark Knight.
I'd love Splinter Cell: Blacklist a lot more if it wasn't constantly barring me from accessing the fun parts of the game.
Chris, Erika and Gerry sit down and discuss their new approach to gaming in 2015.
A look back on what I'd like to improve in regards to my skill and my perspective on writing.
A quick glimpse into the most impactful games of 2014 and how they kept me loving this medium.
It turns out that twenty-five year old me needs a smack in the head and a major lecture on how to properly analyze video games, because everything he thought about Bayonetta was wrong.
Strider is a great game, but does a terrible job of communicating all it has to offer in the first hour of play.
The podcast crew take some time to list out what they want for Christmas from the games industry in 2014.
A look back at Final Fantasy IX for the first time since I was in high school.