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The winners of my Extra Life 2014 raffle have been selected, but there's still time to hit $1,000 and win something yourself.
Some additional thoughts to coincide my GamersWithJobs article Locker Home.
Destiny is a perfect portrait of Bungie's game design philosophy.
The first of a new series, I take a look at a not-so-helpful review of the game The Evil Within.
The games industry is sick, Twitter is part of the problem, and I aim to be part of the solution.
Diving deep into understanding the differences between Western and Japanese culture, and how they influence the Otaku.
Controversies like GamerGate give rise to an overabundance of toxicity from all sides, and it drives the RambleCast crew a little crazy.
Before discussing how fanservice is often implemented in various anime and video games, as well as why it is implemented in such a manner, let's be clear of just what we're discussing.
A look back into how many of the original Wild Arms' thematic elements came together to influence its gameplay design.
The latest episode of The RambleCast looks back on a variety of 80's properties and reimagines them as modern video games.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon manages to walk the fine line between silly and awesome, allowing it to be so stupid it works.
A look into how Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together differs positively and negatively from Final Fantasy Tactics.
Discussing the difficulty of writing about music, the trouble of finding good female rock musicians, and the discovery of Japanese rock band Doll $ Boxx.
The latest RambleCast podcast zooms in on whether pre-orders are a consumer hostile activity or not.
An anime that pleasantly reminds me of the sort of shows I enjoyed long ago.