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Just a brief, more personal entry on the difference between creativity and criticism.
Some stories just aren't as good the second time through.
Sorry folks, but I got enough thoughts swimming around in my head that I just gotta let out.
I have a mental block that enforces grinding in Bravely Default while balking at the notion of simply adjusting the difficulty down.
This week the podcast crew talks the difference between Western and Japanese role-playing games and why you might be drawn to one, but not the other.
As spoiler-free a review as I can give of this interesting game.
Months after having played it, I have finally figured out how to express my disappointment in Outland.
How a film inspired a conversation that went nowhere productive.
Despite some of the superficial similarities, I feel Bravely Default should be free to stand as its own game rather than the not-quite-a-Final-Fantasy.
The latest episode of RamblePak takes a thorough look at Capcom's reboot of the Devil May Cry series.
It feels good to have finally moved on from Resident Evil 6. Though I still believe the experiment was well intentioned, of analyzing the game in separate videos in order to keep it from being one huge monster of a time sink, I also think it killed a lot of interest in the series. Even disregarding the amount of time that had passed and therefore additional stray views here and there, my view count plummeted as Resident Evil 6 progressed on. I don’t know if it was dedicating such a length of time to the game or it was the choice of game altogether, but it has certainly taught me a fine lesson.
I am, however, still paranoid of making overly long videos. I feel like twenty minutes is the limit I want to aim for, and any further will drive potential viewers away. That, and it will only take so much more time to put together such an episode. Is such a limitation wise? I don’t know, but I also don’t believe I have to worry all that much from here on out.
Gerry and I discuss how being a content provider has changed how we game, and vice versa, whilst also discussing the current landscape of being a reviewer or Let's Player on YouTube.
A more bloggy blog entry regarding the current state of contentment and satisfaction.
How the Mage's Tower in Dragon Age: Origins is just as much a mood killer as The Library in Halo: Combat Evolved.
The RambleCast finally returns after a series of natural disasters and demon summoning. Gerry and I come together in order to discuss reboots.
Let's take a break from discussing video games to write about metal.