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The latest episode examines Resident Evil and where it can go from here as well as The Last of Us spoilers.
A look at The Last of Us from a pure gameplay perspective.
If the Kick-Ass films were a Japanese comic they'd be considered shonen, and that's okay by me.
A look back at the Super Nintendo iteration of the Legend of Zelda series, how it holds up, and how it compares.
Some final thoughts on Pokemon White and its storyline after completing it.
The first part of the Resident Evil 6 video review is finally complete, covering most of the shared gameplay elements across all campaigns.
This video should not have taken as long as it has to complete. I’m still getting used to writing a script for video, and while I avoid some mistakes, I continue to make new ones. There are some issues that I should not have groaned on about as long as I had, such as tripping over bodies, or mentioning specific moments like a foe diving for cover as soon as a shot is lined up. There is hours of gameplay footage to shuffle through, and when you’re looking for a single moment of three second gameplay, well, a lot of time gets wasted. That is when making a video goes from being fun to a grind.
There are some items I also forgot to mention, though perhaps I’ll bring them up in Chris Redfield’s campaign analysis since that’s when it first becomes prominent. The transformation of enemies into weird monsters seems to lack a real system. It’s like a game of chance, where shooting them in certain body parts is more likely to cause their body to morph somehow. Shooting them in the arm is likely to cause their arm to become a long, club-type weapon that they can strike at you with, or perhaps a tough shield type of object. Getting headshots should be how you reduce the chances of this happening, but that’s part of the problem. A headshot can still lead to the enemy transforming into something else, and then you have to use even more ammunition to destroy it.
Headshots are supposed to be difficult yet rewarding. A skilled and possibly patient player can save ammunition by aiming right for the head, though in this game you’re just as likely to waste your rounds. Instead, no matter how well you pull it off, you run the risk of morphing the monster into something even harder to kill.
Relaunching the Podcast as the RambleCast! The premiere episode discusses The Last of Us, Shadowrun Returns and the Dragon's Crown controversy.
There's a lot of similarities between the modern gaming scene and the heavy metal scene of the 1980's...and other periods of years past. Maybe it's time we ask some new questions as to why?
Terms like "geek" and "nerd" are pointless because they are formed by personal life experiences, perception, and bias. Even if there was a universal definition at one time, none exists now.
How do we truly define a geek or nerd? Is it by their interest, or perhaps something else?
A look into how the film Chronicle could have been stronger if it decided from the start what sort of film it was going to be.
Sometimes, an overabundance of time leads to a lack of productivity.
A round-table discussion on games we've been playing, followed by a lengthy discourse on the newly announced Xbox One.
A retro throwback with good writing, interesting combat ideas, but some poor maps to make it all a grind.
In the latest episode of RamblePak64 I analyze how Marvel executed the Mandarin and why I'm a fan of it.
I completed this one a week ago, and rather quickly as well. I think this is the one video that I am most happy with. While I feel I can delve into greater detail on the subject, and have in the comments section, the video says all that needs to be said within the ten minute time frame.
It also turns out that I can basically do all the editing for a ten minute video in a single weekend. I’ll be keeping that in mind for the future. I’m sort of paralyzed with indecision, though, as there are a variety of games I’d like to discuss right now. Resident Evil 6 is still on the table, yet I want to make a video for Bioshock Infinite and The Walking Dead as well. I also would like to visit games like Catherine and Halo, or non-game topics such as the Scott Pilgrim
The Amazing Spider-Man, or go more in-depth to my analysis of The Dark Knight Trilogy.
There’s no shortage of topics, just of time. In any event, expect at least some of those topics above to be covered this year. I’m already in progress of writing the script for Resident Evil 6 and have all the footage captured already, so I’ll likely do that next. I may need more time to reflect on Bioshock Infinite, so I’ll probably sit down and replay The Walking Dead to get the footage and get it fresh in my mind as well. So those are the next to videos you should expect to see. Hopefully you’ll find them enjoyable.
Until then, let me know what you think of The Mandarin video in the comments below (either here or on YouTube). Don’t forget to share if you like it.