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Workin' hard or hardly workin' to unlock Theatrhythm's extra characters
The true genius of this nostalgia smothered package isn't in the music, but in the gameplay.
Escapist Expo is like a small town where everyone knows each other.
A look into what manages to click for Chris in Planetside 2
A quick look into why things have been so silent around here.
Have I finally figured out the look of my comic?
The quest to make a new comic continues! In color!
Some experimentation with color and panel layouts.
The game really works best when tied to the narrative, feeling less like a game and more like an actual story.
For those of us that could care less about Call of Duty's multiplayer.
This week we discuss horror games.
The first entry of progress working on a new creative work.
If Valve really is teaming up with Adult Swim to make a Team Fortress 2 television series, I'll be giddy as a Heavy with a sandvich.