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This week's episode focuses on Prometheus. The first twenty or so minutes are spoiler-free, but after that all bets are off.
An ambitious Triple-A project shrinks down to a budget downloadable title. How do you critique something that fails to reach for the stars but is at least priced accordingly?
This week Chris and his cohorts discuss their thoughts on E3 2012.
A theory as to why reviewers are giving Dragon's Dogma such lukewarm scores.
It may be hold news at this point, but Avatar could have been a much more meaningful film if they had actually made a meaningful villain.
The Super Mario Bros. franchise continues to produce great games, but they don't seem to push the visionary envelope as years past.
In the first official podcast of GamerTagged.net, I discuss challenge and difficulty with my cohorts.
Our first episode turned out to be more of a practice. Feel free to give it a listen and let us know what you think! Caution: Mass Effect 3 spoilers within.
While the gameplay of I Am Alive is as absorbent as a sponge, the story is...a thing. That exists. And does stuff.
In the first part of my Mass Effect 3 analysis, I take a look at the strengths and shortcomings of the game's story.
How do we actually define Indie? Is it merely based on the size of the company, by budget or by style?
Some games build you a sand box. Kid Icarus builds you a playground.
Not the ideal Resident Evil, but getting a lot closer.
Spirit Camera, Theatrhythm, Heroes of Ruin and Mark of the Ninja.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City and Dragon's Dogma.