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There's more significance to Christ's birth than our salvation.
So much time has passed, and there's a lot to go through. Let's just take a deep breath and tear it right off like a band-aid.
Despite dropping the ball a bit on the story, inFamous manages to be an awesome game that really allows you to feel like a super hero...or villain.
So Batman and Catwoman get together...wait, in the very first issue? Really?
inFamous has a pretty good story, especially when trying to make a more mature comic book style tale. Unfortunately, the delivery kind of falls flat on its face.
Further gushing into what makes the combat in Resistance 3 feel atmospheric as opposed to "gamey".
Despite the lackluster first two games in the series, Resistance 3 manages to climb up on top of its competition as a worthy rival.
Jon Finkel, Alyssa Bereznak and a whole lot of angry Internet people. Is there truly a guilty party here?
Relationship simulator or Puzzle game? Either, or neither?
It's good when a game recommends a difficulty setting to you. It just needs to be represent that difficulty accurately.
So you're not addicted to playing games...can you still be addicted in some other fashion?
There's nothing worse than the feeling of two things you love being at war with each other.
Like a femme fatale waiting to catch you off guard at just the right time.
When the content is actually mature, rather than gratuitous. At least, I think that's what the thesis began as. I kinda lost track at some point.