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I dive into the steps I would take in creating a proper Metroid sequel.
Does Team Ninja ruin a perfectly good franchise or simply introduce a new interpretation of a classic?
Chris finally sits down to see if Halo: Reach is finally the sequel he always wanted or just more salt in the wound.
In space, no one can hear you sigh in disappointment.
Neither RPG nor shooter, Alpha Protocol manages to do less than Bethesda and Obsidian games while simultaneously doing more.
Sometimes it takes a lot to remember just how important something was, and it becomes a really sobering experience.
Transformers: War for Cybertron may have the touch, but does it have the power?
Half a rambling on my musical tastes and feelings on the current state, and half a review of the latest album by my favorite band. Have fun!
What should have been the greatest action film ever is instead...okay.
I finally figure out what makes idiots funny and buffoons completely boring and repulsive.
Once upon a time I saw a kick ass movie, but I don't remember how I got to the theater so it may have all been a dream.
The new Alan Wake DLC will remind you why you loved and hated the game so much.
It may not be the best game ever, but there are some good design ideas hidden in this sexual fantasy of a game.
This game makes me want to give up on video games as a mature and artistic industry.
The horrors of a plane taking impossible flight was worth it. Sometimes those epic digital adventures just can't compare to the ones had in real life.