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Typically a sequel should try to improve upon the original rather than make it worse.
In this week's column on GameKrib Chris recalls memories of Otakon and what the real purpose of a fan convention is.
Join a fun website and at the same time force Chris into playing any game you want, no matter how God awful it is.
Despite being anything but scary, Shattered Memories is an enjoyable head trip worth revisiting at least a second time.
The horror is all but gun in a frustrating maze of ice and superficial changes to a story.
Instead of doing things right, Chris writes up something in a single draft and puts it online. Caution: a disorganized jumble of thoughts lies beyond.
The world's most adorable little assassins are an absolute blast to play.
It's supposed to be about the DVD but it seems to be more bitching and moaning about the misuse of the Halo franchise.
My latest column on GameKrib tackles the ever present abuse of the End User License Agreement.
Despite the length, the simplicity of the gameplay keeps it worth coming back to.
Sometimes a good game can be ruined by simply being too long.
Oh yeah, they bought me out hard.
MeetAGamer.com was amateur at best, and can be summarized as children pandering to children with boobs. Is GameKrib.com any better?
The game isn't excellent or the best of the best, but it is fun enough to play again and again. Isn't that the point, after all?
I've never been so divided on what can be considered a flaw or not. On the whole, it's tough to screw up a rails-shooter.