Blizzard, You Mock Me
In case you weren’t aware, Blizzard is the undisputed King of April Fools. They put more effort into the “holiday†than anyone has ever even put into Christmas. They always have an assortment of gags for their games, such as fake classes for Diablo 3 or a false dungeon in World of Warcraft complete with a hint-giving sidekick.
One of the big ones this year was a gag tease of releasing StarCraft 2 on consoles using Microsoft’s Kinect technology.
On one hand, this feels like a very clear joke at Microsoft’s expense. You know the folks at Microsoft Game Studios would love nothing more than to be the only console that carries Blizzard’s most coveted Real-Time Strategy title. This video just seems to scream “In your dreams, suckers!” and then drive away in their hot Ford Mustang, laughing in their leather jackets, denim jeans and slicked back hair.
I also have no doubt that this video’s seeming condescension to the platform is a result of my bias against them. I’ve discussed the cause of my hatred in detail already, but for those who don’t feel like reading extra: they swallowed up an excellent console developer to work on World of Warcraft. So any act of theirs that is not an announcement of Metal Arms 2 or some other sweet game on a console is just another reason for me to want to kick them all in the bollocks.
Even so, the very nature of this seems to be mocking. I mean, they are literally saying that returning to consoles with one of their biggest franchises is a joke. This is the first time I’ve ever been given a sense that they hate console platforms and feel that the PC is superior.
I’m fine with this debate existing among gamers themselves. It can’t be avoided. The world is full of asshats, people that are asses to be worn on one’s head as a hat, and as a result they’ll become so dedicated to certain beliefs that they’ll argue the superiority of anything over another. That I would go to College and find people that are so in love with their computers that I can swear they installed a port in which to have intercourse with the machine is no surprise.
I would appreciate if developers would stay out, however. Game journalists and critics can’t avoid their preference so much, but that’s why you get a varied group of folks to review games for your publication instead of creating a giant echo chamber. Game studios are running a business, however. While I’d love to see some creative integrity, it would be nice to see some integrity at all. While some developers cannot hide their own personal biases (I’d probably lean towards developing for Xbox and Wii before Playstation 3 and PC, myself) they should at least put up as best a front as they can.
Blizzard’s gag here is ultimately referring to the Xbox 360 and Kinect as inferior machines. That’s just uncool.
Of course, when you’re such a huge developer that has tricked the entire PC gaming community into actually buying your products instead of pirating, well, you can afford that sort of thing. I just prefer Valve’s attitude more, where they clearly prefer PC as a platform that allows them to be independent and do what they want. They still use consoles, however, because it’s a market for money making. Plus, a real developer, artist and/or businessman/woman/person would want to get their product out to as many people as possible.
This is clearly not a worry for Blizzard, but again, when you’re rolling in that much cash why would you worry about integrity or smart business decisions?