Catching Up With Critical Hit
The last time I mentioned my Critical Hit column over on GameKrib it was, well, halfway through June. So there’s a lot of catching up to do.
Decent Game-to-Film Candidates celebrated the release of the Prince of Persia film by considering other potential franchises that could make for some excellent movies. Don’t Waste My Time: In the Beginning… gripes about how some games take too long to get to the gameplay and provides examples of games that start off properly. First and Foremost, Games counters an argument by Adam Sessler the iPhone and iPad cannot be taken seriously as gaming platforms.
Kickstarting a whole series of E3 related articles is What Nintendoes focuses on how Nintendo actually gets what it means to be accessible while Sony and Microsoft play catch-up. It’s Not About You lectures gamers about how E3 is a trade show, and thus it is for investors and share holders, NOT gamers. E3: Assessment of 2010 runs down the games I personally found interest in during the show. Consoles Get Steamy finishes the E3 discussion by covering the significance of Steam on the Playstation 3 platform.
For two months I struggled through the horrid game of Damnation, thanks to a contest within a contest on GameKrib. Some of you may remember it. Well, I tried to document my adventure through Twitter, and in three separate sessions I managed to struggle through and complete the game.
Interactive Media covers just what it means to be interactive and the possibilities that ought to be explored, and yet never are. Scott Pilgrim vs. The Critic assesses the (few) negative impressions received by critics and analyzes how they simply “don’t get it”. Jaded is a retrospective on how I must sometimes stop looking at things as a critic and allow myself to be the fanboy I yearn to be. Where From Here? provides some possibilities for 343 Industries to take the Halo franchise now that Bungie is done with it. A Tale of Two Metroids analyzes the differences between Retro Studios and the Prime series and how Team Ninja tackled Other M. A Culture Lagging Behind takes on Keiji Inafune’s statement that Japan’s game industry is lagging behind and considers that Japan, in actuality, is well ahead of the Western industry. Bioware and Interactive Story-telling dives into the similarities between the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games, determining where they can improve upon in the future. Dangeractivity is an open-letter response to Michael Smerconish tackling the assumption that video games are more dangerous than other forms of media by the simple nature of being interactive. Writing Reviews grants access to my history on thoughts on the analysis of games and how to write more entertaining critiques.
Thanksgaming is a three part series celebrating Thanksgiving by looking back on games that have held great influence over the modern industry. Finally, we get all caught up with my latest column, E-mmersion, where I state that immersion isn’t accomplished through realism, but in fact through emotional engagement.
Remember, I try to update Critical Hit every Saturday, though sometimes I do not have the time or do not have a decent topic for it. Be sure to keep checking GameKrib for new articles.