Critical Hit: Culture

Category: news
Posted: April 03, 2010

There is a chance that neither VGXPO nor GameX will be happening in Philadelphia this year, which is extremely disappointing since I had enjoyed both events immensely. There are some rumors floating about as to why, but honestly, both conventions were victims of high expectations. Gamers are too used to the glitz and glamor of E3 that they want any other gaming event to be exactly that.

I believe they are completely missing the point.

Find smaller studios and developers that are willing to share their own experience at such an event. Especially if they get to attend for free. Even if you can’t get Shigeru Miyamoto or CliffyB to show up to your convention that doesn’t mean you can’t get Ska Studios or The Behemoth, both of which are developers with unique styles and amazing talent who I’m sure would be glad for the attention. Not everyone purchases Collector’s Edition discs, so see if you can get permission to have viewings of Making-Of documentaries. Marathon some of the worst video game movies ever such as House of the Dead and Dead or Alive and see how lead is turned into comedy gold just by experiencing it with a crowd. Find university professors or other professionals that can speak on things such as the art of narrative, a history of excellent horror games, titles which you never heard of but may have inspired your favorites, etc. Have debates on review scores vs. no review scores or which era of role-playing games was better. Something that gamers talk about anyway and will provide them ample opportunity to interact with others. You know, meet new people.

The idea of a fan convention is the culture. Tournaments are pretty easy if you’re a competitive gamer, but there’s so much more available than just allowing people to play games. If you’re making a fan expo then you need to remember that it’s not about the games but the culture. This is precisely why PAX is such a success that it is now being held across two coasts. They are focused on the culture, not the games. Naturally you can’t have one without the presence of the other, but it’s the right direction.

You can read the full column here.

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