Downloathable Content #000

Category: article
Posted: May 18, 2012

So I’ve tried doing podcasts before, though not so much because there were a number of podcasts I wanted to emulate. In fact, I couldn’t really get into most podcasts out there. The GamersWithJobs Conference Call was the first one that I really enjoyed, though. My commute to work was long, and hearing some of the leading members of a favorite online haunt of mine was a great way to kill that time. Most of all, I felt like these guys had interesting things to say. I wanted to be a part of the conversation.

Not many other podcasts felt this way. It sounded like a lot of guys sitting around chatting, sure, but never did it really sound like anyone had something interesting to say. Not most of the time, at least.

That is the driving inspiration behind my new podcast, Downloathable Content. Not only do I want to create a podcast that you, the listener, would want to be a part of, but I want us to have something interesting to say. Hell, I wouldn’t have a blog if I didn’t think I had something worth saying.

Our first episode was intended to discuss the Mass Effect 3 ending, but due to recording difficulties a lot of it was chopped down. Even so, what we did manage to get was probably the best stuff. So give it a listen, and feel free to let us know what you liked and didn’t like. Note that the practice episode not only contains spoilers on Mass Effect 3, but vaguely gives away the ending of Shadow of the Colossus and Final Fantasy XIII-2 as well. These moments are barely discussed, and the latter is telegraphed ahead of time, but if you’re paranoid about those games then I recommend waiting for our first real episode.

Unlike all other moments in life, my voice is really quiet, so you’ll either need to crank your speakers or plug in some headphones. Or both.

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My own thoughts on the episode:

- While recording in person is fun, it would be better if everyone got their own microphone.
- Need to record without the dog frequently making noise.
- We all need to be more self-aware of things making commotion and pause our discussion so the noise can be edited out.
- Need fewer “um’s” and “likes”.
- Try recording at a time or place without a dog or other such noises.
- Louder audio.

There are several other items, but I feel some of them will develop as the various speakers get used to each other. However, I plan on having rotating hosts, so different guests will be on for different topics. Whether that will be detrimental or a beneficial will be seen in time.

I am the first speaker. My brother, who runs a blog called the Caffeinated Symposium, is the second speaker. The third is Stephen, member of rock band Synaesthesia and good friend.

Feel free to let us know what you think. Suggestions and criticism are welcome.

RamblePak64 on YouTube RamblePak64 on Twitch