Eh! Steve! A lengthy discussion on Resident Evil Village

I typically do my best to avoid having music repeat in a podcast, but there just weren’t enough suitable tracks I could find from the Resident Evil franchise that could also fill up the full two-hour discussion. Apologies if anyone finds this distracting or irritating.
I finished my third playthrough on Hardcore difficulty the day after this episode had been recorded. There were a number of things I had discovered by then that I sadly was not aware of for this podcast, such as having more freedom in that frustrating combat scenario both Zack and I had issue with towards the game’s conclusion. Perhaps most significant was the value of flashbangs against Heisenberg’s monstrosities, so long as you shoot their eye coverings off. Perhaps that should have been the “clue”, so to speak.
It says a lot that, even now, I’m tempted to start up a fourth playthrough. I largely refrain in order to ensure I don’t burn out on the title, hoping to instead stream a speedrun attempt sometime this summer before jumping into the Village of Shadows difficulty. Instead, I’ve returned to Resident Evil 4 on PC. Given the shock of having to readjust to its controls, I can somewhat better understand the desire for a remake. Rumors abound of its development, with the project allegedly restarted due to being too faithful to the original. It would seem Capcom’s Division 1, the team in charge of the franchise, would like to see something new and fresh done with the game.
This is an instance where I feel, if you’re going to remake it, I’d rather an approach similar to the original remake of Resident Evil as opposed to the reimagining of Resident Evil 2. Unlike those earlier PlayStation titles, however, Resident Evil 4 is at least available on multiple platforms to play, new and old alike.
As for Resident Evil Village, it may honestly be my new favorite of the series. I’m curious to see where the franchise goes from here.
You can check out my friend Zack over on his Twitch, where he plays a variety of games that mentally torture and push his sanity to the limit. You can also check out Joey on Twitch as well, where he is filled with the hottest of takes.
Have thoughts on Resident Evil Village? Please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your opinions.
Opening theme music by Fallen Prophecy.