Eh! Steve! Conversational Grab Bag Vol. 11
My return to streaming is not quite beginning yet, though largely because I’m still trying to take it slow and easy. Fortunately, it is not due to a lack of inspiration this time. In fact, I am plenty inspired! However, I really do tend to stretch myself too thin, and while I have not dropped into a breaking point of depression — at least, not due to my creative efforts — I have certainly struggled to juggle every desire and project I could want. I’ve been organizing them in part based on satisfaction, but that satisfaction was also based on ease of completion.
In the end, a series like Elden Ring Piece-by-Piece took a lot of time and wound up sloppier than most of my video scripts. As a result, would it not be more prudent to just do more videos for deep dives and leave the blog to smaller things? Of course, even this is somewhat misguided. Or, perhaps I should say, too rigid. In the end I’ve decided that I ought to just go with my gut, writing a blog post that feels like an appropriate blog post, and working on video content that feels appropriate for video.
As for streams, I’d like to share games I’m excited about on there as well, admittedly, but it may simply be too much this coming season. I’ll no doubt resume the Halo series and these podcasts will try to return to a bi-weekly schedule, but how much else I do not know. I want to fall back into a sustainable, satisfying rhythm of creation the best I can.
To that end, there will be things coming shortly. I hope you look forward to them, and enjoy this lively conversation shared with my friends.
What have you been playing lately? Feel free to leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your opinions.
Opening theme music by Fallen Prophecy.