Eh! Steve! Conversational Grab Bag Vol. 4

Apologies for a lack of content throughout the month of November. A combination of job interviews, the holidays, and working on both artwork and other modifications to the Twitch channel left the two of us busy and unable to get together. However, we were able to united this week and discuss all the games the two of us have been playing.
Watching him play end-game content of Marvel’s Avengers only confirmed my feelings towards the game’s Beta. That it took me so long to realize that it should have played more like Transformers: Fall of Cybertron is an oversight on my part as well. Though it was a product of its own time, it managed to capture the spirit of the property better than most tie-ins. Any property with an ensemble cast ought to seek it for inspiration.
Of course, Square Enix was also looking to create a live-service game like Destiny 2. From a business perspective, the move makes sense. While they have Final Fantasy XIV for monthly subscriptions, it’s also a traditional model that does not appeal to everyone. In order to expand one’s portfolio and cover each corner of the gaming market, it is beneficial to have a live-service game earning money regularly through cosmetics and other microtransaction purchases. They just tried to do so with the wrong property.
Be sure to check the Twitch next Thursday, December 10th, around 7pm ET. My friends and I will be performing live commentary for The Game Awards.
What have you been playing recently? Please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your opinions.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.