Eh! Steve! I finally got around to Attack of the Clones

This podcast is a follow-up to our episode on The Phantom Menace.
Ever since I played the game Damnation I’ve found myself calling fewer and fewer games bad. I’ve been willing to point out aspects of the game that may be unintuitive or downright poorly designed, but after having played a genuinely bad game (and not even the worst game that I’ve played, I might add), I’ve found that people too often judge harshly what is mediocre, bland, or simply obviously flawed.
I emphasize the word “obviously” because the Star Wars prequels are flawed in ways that even your standard popcorn consuming cretin can identify. However, having more obvious flaws doesn’t make something bad (and if we really wanted to get subjective about this, we could ponder whether “bad” truly exists… but I believe “bad” does exist, so let’s not even go there). There are also a lot of good elements to Attack of the Clones. In fact, I’d say the film is largely more entertaining than The Phantom Menace.
The issue is that the flaws are most obvious in regards to writing, acting, and character personality or consistency. These are the anchor for most viewers into a film. Action, spectacle, special effects, these sorts of things certainly enhance a film, and done expertly they’ll be what your run-of-the-mill film enthusiast might focus on in terms of execution. Yet at the core of most films, especially for broad audiences, that human element is the hook. This is where Attack of the Clones fails most.
Due to the more simple plot, Attack of the Clones would be an easier film to fix. It’s perhaps more unfortunate that the film turned out as it had. George Lucas clearly wanted to “correct” his criticisms from the Phantom Menace, and with the right casting, proper dialogue fixing, and other minor modifications, it could have been. Instead, it is only a slight improvement over its predecessor.
I have no real inkling to rewatch the film, but I’d not grimace at the prospect of watching it again, either.
So what do you think of Attack of the Clones? Please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your opinions.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.