Eh! Steve! Let’s briefly gush about Elden Ring
I’ve been trying to figure out how to write about Elden Ring for the past week. Each time I do, the title changes from “My First Twenty Hours in Elden Ring” to “My First Twenty-Five” hours, then “My First Thirty Hours”, and now “My First Forty Hours”. I have a feeling this won’t be a game I can succinctly write a piece on as I’m playing. The only consistent thing is that I have not yet been struck by open-world exhaustion. The core gameplay loop that From Software has mapped onto an open-world game is compelling, but it also works because each dungeon I go into feels like a uniquely crafted space. Even the caverns and catacombs that exhibit the greatest amount of recycled assets feel as if they contain new challenges and surprises, and I’m maybe one-third through the game. This is not like most open-world titles where it feels like abilities that ought to be available from the start are held onto for the sake of a skill tree, and its many side-missions copy-pasted from start to finish. Just as every open-world game had to compare itself to Breath of the Wild and its freedoms after its release, every open-world game will now have to compare itself to Elden Ring... including the sequel to Breath of the Wild!
Unfortunately my conversation with Joey was cut short, and while we discussed another Elden Ring podcast to follow, I had forgotten that we were in fact recording episode ninety-nine. That is one episode short of one-hundred. I will undoubtedly be contemplating what we can do for our one-hundredth episode, should anything special be done to commemorate the occasion. Regardless, I will try to have something written regarding Elden Ring in the coming week so that the blog may continue to have content. I am still adjusting to working full-time while wanting to create content, particularly feeling the itch to get back into making videos again, and all while Elden Ring beckons.
When you’re not thinking about Elden Ring, you’re thinking about playing Elden Ring. It is one of those rare gems that only comes about once in a blue moon. I do not say this easily, as both Resident Evil Village and Metroid Dread came close to this same level of dedication and enthusiasm. I played those games five times over, and could continue to play them even now. The only reason Elden Ring occupies my mind more, perhaps, is simply due to how huge it is and how much depth there is to dive into. This, friends, is truly the game we dreamed of playing when we were still young enough to wake up in time for Saturday Morning Cartoons without the need of an alarm clock.
Are you currently playing Elden Ring? How deep has your addiction run? Please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your opinions.
Opening theme music by Fallen Prophecy.