Eh! Steve! So what do you think about filler episodes?

You’d think that we’d have enough of a backlog of topics to do something more interesting than a filler episode. In fact, I’m pretty sure we promised an episode on Legion, did we not? Instead we have a bit of a filler episode to just get out some gripes about what we’ve recently been playing, as well as older games. Despite my many gripes towards the Sonic franchise – of which I voice many in this episode – I will say that Steve is the first to truly have me see what others do by having me play a newer title. Everyone talks about how Sonic hasn’t been so good since the Sega Genesis, but I actually managed to beat a level in Sonic Generations on my first try.
Pretty sure Sonic has gotten better since the Genesis.
Otherwise, we’re largely just discussing poor design and good design, bouncing back and forth. Any common design elements or mechanics that grind your gears? Feel free to share them in the comments below, comment on the Facebook page or e-mail ramblepak64 at gmail dot com.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.