Eh! Steve! So you finally beat Devil May Cry 5!

There is, without a doubt, much more that could be said of Devil May Cry 5 than Steve and I had managed this episode. It’s not just the attempt to keep the conversation inside of an hour that prevents us from going into its full depths, however. I have played so many games since completing Devil May Cry 5 in March that all of my past enthusiasm has been over-written multiple times over. I still delight in the game, and I yearn to return to it. Yet Steve finished the game just in time for Fire Emblem: Three Houses to release, and I’ve since been obsessed with that title. Even Judgment, a game I certainly enjoy, has been pushed to the side as I yearn to guzzle down as much of Three Houses as I can.
Even if I had played it more recently, however, I am simply not skilled enough to truly plumb the game’s full depths. Many have already commented that the Devil May Cry franchise allows the player a sort of expression. It’s not about taking down an enemy a specific way. There are multiple tricks and strategies available, but they are not necessarily required. It’s all about the player understanding what the characters are capable of, and I have yet to be able to approach any of these titles enough to develop that appreciation.
One of my points regarding the game Darksiders, once I get around to that video, is going to be its nature as a more accessible, beginner’s guide to the action genre. Now that I’ve gotten used to War’s parry and block-counter, far more than I had in past playthroughs, I’m finding myself eager and curious to return to the Devil May Cry games and truly implement Dante’s Royal Guard. This, I think, is how I get better at this genre. I gain a basic foundation with the more simple titles, then dive deeper into the more complex titles before returning to those simpler ones.
Did you play Devil May Cry 5 this year? Feel free to comment below, or send us an e-mail with your thoughts.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.