Eh! Steve! So you finally beat Ghost of Tsushima

There’s not really much else to add to what Steve and I discussed in this week’s podcast. Embellishments, perhaps, but nothing that makes a substantial difference. It is rare for us to cover a game thoroughly and in a fashion where we are both satisfied with the time allotted.
The only thing I might add is the horrific path-finding of the bird intended to guide Jin to points of interest. Often it would vanish into a hillside or through the grass and down a cliff face, its location lost to me. It became difficult to track in heavily forested areas, particularly those where the leaves were the same shade of yellow as the bird.
It was not a game breaking issue, however. Just another example of how the pile of small issues failed to outmatch the end result: a fun, enjoyable, thoroughly engaging open-world romp. Easily recommended to owners of a PlayStation 4.
Have your own thoughts on Ghost of Tsushima? Please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your opinions.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.