Eh! Steve! So you say you have superhero fatigue?

The day after we recorded this episode Fox released the new trailer for Dark Phoenix, the latest in the X-Men franchise. Of course, if we had seen it by recording then we would have verbally shrugged into the microphone. Like the Aquaman trailer, I simply can’t watch anything here with any sense of excitement or intrigue. There’s nothing there to suggest a fascinating, curious premise. It’s purely another X-Men movie where everything is big and bombastic, and my complete boredom with Apocalypse means I can’t muster any emotional connection to Jean or her turn towards darkness.
Perhaps that is more the result of twenty years of X-Men films. Back in high school I was excited to see the Dark Phoenix saga on the big screen simply because it was going to be on the big screen. While seeing them screw it up once is enough to inhibit my excitement for a second try, the novelty of seeing such an epic story adapted to the silver screen is practically nonexistent. Dark Phoenix has to compete with Infinity War, which means I need to care about its characters as much as I cared about Marvel’s cast. Apocalypse has already proven that I don’t. Worse, it’s already proven that I’m sick of Magneto always being the big bad of the X-Men. First Class and Days of Future Past arguably tried something by placing him as yet another piece on the chess board of greater antagonistic forces. While this could be said of Apocalypse as well, his turn to villainy was a poor attempt at manipulation. About as sincere as “grandma’s” frozen meatballs mass-produced in your local grocer. I don’t care about Sansa Stark as Jean Grey, and therefore I have no interest in her downward spiral into the Dark Phoenix. I can only imagine those that are excited are simply giddy for a piece of their youth being portrayed with a big, computer graphic budget.
I suppose I can somewhat understand. Despite an awful seeming narrative Godzilla: King of the Monsters is my most anticipated blockbuster film of 2019. Sure, I look forward to seeing the second part of Infinity War, but aside from Pacific Rim there hasn’t been this expensive a representation of kaiju mayhem in Hollywood in… ever. That it’s using some of my most cherished childhood icons is gravy. I enjoyed the X-Men cartoon growing up, but nothing like I did my collection of Godzilla movies. So to those with equally fond memories of Jean’s cosmic turn on those distant Saturday mornings, I hope the movie turns out well.
Next weekend sees the release of Venom. This is an interesting counter-point to Dark Phoenix for me. On one hand, having Venom without Spider-Man is silly and screams of desperation on Sony’s part to having something to call their own. However, presenting Tom Hardy’s character as having to struggle with this domineering and violent symbiote could make for an interesting, different kind of story in this crowded genre. It would be less superhero and more Jekyll combatting Hyde. However, the film’s PG-13 rating and Wal-Mart generic corporate scumbag villain telegraph to me the film’s goals to appeal across broad audiences. A Venom film done right would be a hard-R, not a PG-13. It would be a hard-R in the same manner that Logan would be, which is perhaps one of the few films of its type to transcend being a “superhero” flick and be a really good movie, period.
Maybe I’ll see Venom. I’m in the right mood and mindset for it. I just don’t know if I want to pay money for something that will, no matter how much I temper my expectations, disappoint.
Where do you stand on superhero fatigue? Please comment on the Facebook page or e-mail ramblepak64 at gmail dot com with your thoughts, and maybe we’ll read them on the show.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.