Eh! Steve! Stay-at-Home Edition

Apologies for any inconsistency in audio volume, particularly for myself. I continued to lean forward then back in my chair, changing the distance to my microphone and therefore how loudly my voice would be picked up. Despite the increase in audio quality, I feel like the physical distance between Steve and I can truly be felt in our conversation. There’s definitely something missing, the physical rapport that allows us to respond in multiple ways to one another, even if that response is little more than a look of confusion. Hopefully the next episode we record during this self-imposed quarantine has a bit more energy.
I want to reiterate my love for Hi Score Girl, and even hope that Steve does watch it so that we might do an episode wholly dedicated to it. In rewatching it I’ve found so much more to love about it. It is a wonderful little story that shall warm even the coldest of hearts.
How have you guys been killing time during the quarantine? Leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your thoughts.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.