Eh! Steve! We’ve been playing games!

Though Steve and I recorded our conversation on each separate local end, I opted to simply use the Discord call anyway. It means Steve comes in a little more quiet than I do, but a new job means less time to cut the audio together. The Discord call’s quality was satisfactory, so I went with it.
I feel the need to advertise the Elgato Wave: 3 microphone that I use. I tested several different microphone brands and found each of them somewhat lacking in final quality. The Elgato Wave: 3 sounded better than each of its competitors for the price, including a Yeti Blue. I’d still only recommend it for anyone that knows they’re going to podcast or stream as a regular hobby, as anything over $100 is a bit of a chip in the wallet. Nonetheless, if you’re looking to jump into the online content game and want something of professional quality without paying the outrageous professional prices, this is the mic I would recommend.
One could argue that meeting online for a podcast is more convenient than meeting in person, and I would certainly say the overall audio quality is superior to our norm. However, the conversation itself lacks the energy that Steve and I have when we’re sitting side-by-side, laughing at one another, making expressions, and getting lost in the conversation. I don’t think we realize just how much we rely on body language and expressions in our communications, and when those elements are missing, it makes it more difficult to be as fully engaged in a discussion. At least, that’s how it felt as we recorded, and listening back, I do feel that there’s a special spark missing from our usual recordings.
Do you think so, too? Or am I just talking crazy? Or do you actually have thoughts on one of the many game topics we discussed this episode? Please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your opinions.
Opening theme music by Fallen Prophecy.