Eh! Steve! What Did You Think of 2016?

So many of you will remember I had already tried my hand at the podcast game with the RambleCast, a series of recordings that I am equal parts proud of and ...not really ashamed of, but my mind has continued shifting and changing in regards to certain subject matter and, in particular, how best to approach it. In hindsight, I feel I was caught in the slipstream of an extreme attitude, one that thrived on opposition and confrontation. I feel that many were caught in streams dragging them the opposite direction. Despite my best efforts to remain in the middle ground, I more often than not just lost sight of where I really stood and believed. I lost sight of what the middle ground even stood for.
I’ve been trying to find something that just fit me since then, as I sincerely do enjoy recording podcasts. There were a few attempts, but I could never get a consistent group together. Scheduling was always a trial and there was always that risk of being the same thing as always.
In December I finally stumbled upon what, to me, is a perfect concept. Eh! Steve! is, at its core, an excuse for my buddy Steve and I to get together once a week and chat. It is laid back, and it is about the things we love: games, film, and TV. While the premier episode is an hour long, we’re hoping to aim for around 30 to 45 minute episodes in the future. Most of them will no doubt focus on video games, but we’ll also discuss other topics as they come around. The only real consistency is the laid back attitude of us, the hosts, and the desire to be positive. If nothing else, I feel like that positive attitude is needed now.
I don’t plan to take the podcasting world by storm, but I do hope to give you guys some pleasant conversation every week to listen to.