Eh! Steve! What did you think of E3 2018?

Something I did not touch on much within the podcast is the ever-increasing presence of post-conference streams. Sony, Nintendo, Square Enix, SEGA, and even Capcom continued to stream content throughout the week of E3. Perhaps I’ll write a more in-depth blog post with my thoughts on E3 as a whole, but it would be repeating and building off of ideas in this podcast. At the end of the day, E3 2018 did not really feel like the big celebration of games that it used to. Is that because the nature of these shows has changed, however? Or have I become old and jaded enough to be more immune to the hype? Or it could simply be that we’ve entered a holdover year, which has happened before.
I guess we’ll find out in E3 2019.
Do you have thoughts on this year’s E3? Please leave us comments below, comment on the Facebook page or e-mail ramblepak64 at gmail dot com with your thoughts on these years, and maybe we’ll read them on the show.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.