Eh! Steve! What did you think of Final Fantasy VII Remake?

One of these days I’ll get better at voicing my opinions without sounding so incredibly full of myself. Perhaps the day I abandon my issues of insecurity? The two do often go hand-in-hand, after all. Regardless, there’s plenty that Steve and I discussed regarding the Final Fantasy VII Remake, there there’s still plenty more on the table that we did not even touch upon. If nothing else, the game has provided joy in that.
I did want to touch on two things I brought up in the podcast, however. The first was the matter of Jessie and Biggs in a flashback in the original game and the implication that the two of them were once in a relationship. I had a brief moment of Fridge Logic this morning where I realized the implication of this paring would leave Biggs and Jessie a decent amount older than our protagonists within the game. Was this an oversight on the part of the developers? Or was it simply recycling their character models to imply two other characters? Given that Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie were not reused anywhere else, it seems odd for them to use such character models within Midgar, and immediately after a very important scene where said characters played a big part. As such, I’m not sure if my assessment of their history is accurate or not.
The second was more a specification. I mention an interview in which the developers are asked a question regarding the history of the game’s development, and they are all fuzzy on details. It was more specifically a question regarding easter eggs and such. The interview in question was from this EDAMAME Arcade Channel video, and is the final question to be asked (though I would encourage you to watch the entire video nonetheless). While I still believe Sakaguchi’s response to the question fits in line with my thoughts that they, as creators, do not linger too long on a project, it also does not prove my statement to the extent that I had believed.
Regardless, I hope you enjoy this discussion, regardless of how full of myself I sound when mentioning “artistic integrity” and all that.
If you have thoughts regarding Final Fantasy VII Remake, or would like to hear us discuss specific elements of the game, then please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with your thoughts.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.