Eh! Steve! What did you think of Iconoclasts?

Well, many of you will already understand why it’s been a long hiatus, but it wasn’t just the sciatica that prevented us from recording. Before then were car and weather issues that made recording the Iconoclasts episode troublesome. I’m glad we are finally back, however, and should hopefully be on track until the holidays start to interfere.
This is the first episode I’m also uploading to the YouTube channel. I figure it will help expand the audience for the podcast as many people following the YouTube channel likely are unaware of any other projects I do. If the views are more pathetic than usual, then I may stop trying to combine the two altogether. On the other hand, if it proves to be popular, it might be worth creating a channel just for Eh! Steve! itself. I would rather not jump the gun yet, however. For now, I’ll simply be posting select video game related episodes that will cover material I may not get to on the channel.
As for Iconoclasts itself? I have a feeling you’ll be hearing me discuss it at least once more, no doubt when the Game of the Year conversations are in season. Until then, you’ll get yourselves a wonderful break with talk of movies and other games. Hopefully the long wait for this episode was worth it, though.
What do you think of Iconoclasts? Are you simply happy that Steve and I are back at the mic? Please comment on the Facebook page or e-mail ramblepak64 at gmail dot com with your thoughts, and maybe we’ll read them on the show.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.