Eh! Steve! What did you think of Star Wars: The Last Jedi?

This is actually the second recording of this episode, but I felt very negatively about how I conducted myself and steered the conversation the first time. The state of The Last Jedi discussion online became such that I wanted to rant about the state of fandom more than I wanted to discuss the movie, which was not fair to Steve nor to anyone listening in for opinions of the actual film.
My negativity towards The Force Awakens is well documented, but I thoroughly felt entertained for the latter half of The Last Jedi. Perhaps that has me feeling more positive on the film than it should, but an experience that manages to have me feeling good by its conclusion at least succeeded in entertaining me. In truth, however, I don’t think there’s anything particularly significant about The Last Jedi and is only being discussed so feverishly because of its legacy. One that I’m not sure truly matters to anyone currently of an impressionable age.
One of the problems with fandom is its tendency to make idols out of enjoyment, and there is no worse way I can think of to ruin a property. Even corporations cannot cause such destruction of a beloved franchise: they can only exploit it.
What did you think of Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Feel free to tell us in the comments below, comment on the Facebook page or e-mail ramblepak64 at gmail dot com.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.