Eh! Steve! What did you think of Umbrella Academy?

Steve and I have our last deviation from video games for the time being. He had recommended I try out Umbrella Academy on Netflix, and I obliged. Of course I obliged! Unlike my titular co-host, I do not have a family or children to distract me away from entertainment and media. Therefore it cost me little to watch through the show over the course of a few days.
It was an entertaining show, but I’m still uncertain if I think it’s a good show or if I truly enjoyed it. Some may find this a silly conundrum: I was entertained, therefore I enjoyed it. However, I think I can be entertained or engaged without actually enjoying something. The real question is whether I’ll want to return to this series regardless of a second season. If I enjoy something, I want to experience it multiple times over. If I was merely entertained, then the product is consumed and later forgotten about.
Did you get to watch Umbrella Academy? What did you think? Feel free to comment below, or send us an e-mail with your thoughts.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.