Eh! Steve! What do you think about streaming guidelines?

I’m never going to stop being a curmudgeon. I’ll always find aspects of streams and Let’s Plays a ridiculous excuse for a “job”. That I even put “job” in quotations is enough to irritate people, even though I openly acknowledge that playing games and talking at the same time is difficult. In addition, you have to keep up that sort of performance daily. You don’t get days off like a traditional job. People want content and they want it constantly. Moreover, you have to make sure you’re playing a wide enough variety of games to keep your audience.
It’s unfair of me to look down on the work people put into it, but it still feels like one of those dream jobs people yearn for without considering if there’s anything of value being brought to the table. What’s so special about your insight? How do you make yourself stand out?
Regardless, I think the nature of the Internet is going to continue to challenge and transform traditional copyright law. The question is, for the better or for the worse?
For those unfamiliar, you can find the original stream guidelines for Persona 5 on Atlus’ website.
If you have any thoughts on streaming guidelines, feel free to share them in the comments below, comment on the Facebook page or e-mail ramblepak64 at gmail dot com.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.