Eh! Steve! What have we been playing in 2019?

I apologize for how rusty Steve and I seem to be lately. Me, in particular. I’ve been trying to get myself back into some state of positive normalcy, but it seems negative normalcy has been the order of the day as of late. Nevertheless, once we get into the topic of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and lead into more character-focused action games, the pilot is sufficiently lit and our conversation burns with excitement. I hope I cause no offense to any fans of From Software, though my contrarian nature certainly tires of the endless praise they receive. I am ready to accept that these games, as From designs them, are certainly not my thing due to the nature of combat.
There are a lot of games we talk about, and more still that we failed to discuss. I don’t think Steve ever got to mention Kingdom Hearts III, and I didn’t get to pontificate about Caligula Effect: Overdose. Perhaps we’ll record something new for next week, allowing us to dive deeper into other games we’ve been playing.
What have you been playing so far in 2019? Feel free to comment below, or send us an e-mail with your thoughts.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.