Eh! Steve! Why do you recommend God of War?

I’m experimenting with my personal mic instead of Steve’s, which means there’s some kinks we still need to work out. In particular the volume, and towards the final twenty minutes of this episode an electrical buzz just refused to be removed no matter what settings I tried. This has sadly resulted in a combination of better and worse quality. However, I think eventually I’ll find an equilibrium when it comes to the audio quality.
As for God of War, I was wrong. I wasn’t at all excited and while I still think it was hyped for the wrong reasons, I have to confess I actually do love this game. It’s not entirely unusual, as some of my favorite games have all been titles that aren’t actually the best in their class, but the contrarian in me just doesn’t want to love something everyone else seems to over-hype. There’s a lot here to love, though, even if there’s also a lot to criticize.
What did you think of God of War? Please comment on the Facebook page or e-mail ramblepak64 at gmail dot com with your thoughts, and maybe we’ll read them on the show.
Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.