Extra Life 2014 Winners and How to Keep Contributing
In an effort to gain more sponsors for my Extra Life fundraising campaign, I promised donors that I’d raffle off a set of rewards based on donation amount. I not only surpassed my initial goal, but hit my first stretch goal as well. This morning I contacted the winners.
Two of the donors will be able to choose a topic for me to discuss over on GamersWithJobs, one donor wins a free t-shirt of my design, and a third gets to pick a topic and guest star on The RambleCast. In addition, I will be creating a second episode for my JRPDiary series once my current RamblePak project is complete. Expect to see the new episode some time in December.
Even though the Extra Life marathon is complete and rewards have gone out, it does not mean that time has run out to contribute or win a prize. If I can raise another $200 for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia before December 31st, then the third tier of prizes will be unlocked.
I’m also deliberating over a special prize to offer anyone that donated $50 or more.
So if you would like to contribute, be it for the chance to win a prize or because you missed your opportunity to help out, head on over to my Extra Life page and click the “support” button.
To everyone that donated, I thank you deeply. I wouldn’t have been able to reach my goal without all of you.