Help Me Whore Me!
So GameKrib, the social gaming network I recently reviewed, is having a referral contest. If you sign up and refer me, user ccesarano, then I get credit and the potential to win a contest. It’s going on between now and April 30th, so there’s a whole month of time in which people can join in.
I wouldn’t be taking part in the contest this way if I didn’t like the website, so know that the first reason I’m doing this is because I’d like to see them grow. There are a few nifty fellows worth talking to and it is becoming a regular spot for me to stop on by and interact in. Plus, if you join you could comment on my column! (Not that you bothered to join my forums you rotten little walking cadavers you).
So in an effort to sweeten the deal, I promise that my winnings will indirectly go to you. First and second prizes are $50 and $25 gift cards to Best Buy, respectively. While this sounds like it’s a good deal for me only, I’ve decided that whatever I get with that gift card, am I to win, will go to whatever game you as a community want it to be.
“Wait, that’s not fair, because you’re still getting a free game out of the deal”. Yes, that is how it seems, but you’re not thinking fourth-dimensionally Marty. If everyone asks me to review a good game then I win. But what if you guys demand I review a game like Bullet Witch, Two Worlds or Vampire Rain? Or even a game that will be absolute torture, such as Grand Theft Auto 4 or Final Fantasy 13? This is your chance to force me into playing something I hate. If one game, such as Vampire Rain or X-Blades, doesn’t take up the money on the entire gift card, then I will go on to the next most popular game choice I can afford.
As an added bonus, if you so desire I will learn how to record video off of my web camera and document any horrified reactions I have for your comedic amusement.
The restrictions would be that it would have to be a game for the Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or Nintendo DS (if it requires DSi capability I will not be able to play it). Otherwise anything is fair game. Force me to play as bad a game, or collection of games, as you wish. And I will have to beat them because my integrity demands it.
Any other ideas are, of course, welcome. This is your chance to make me suffer. If you want I can keep detailed logs of my journey through each game, or whatever else it is you want. So not only would this get you to be part of a fun and quality social site (do you like games? Do you like friends? Do you like games that are friends? Then join GameKrib!), but you’d force me to take as high as 10D20 spiritual damage.
So go to and, when you’re signing up, make sure you say ccesarano referred you. Or you could join after you visit my page and I’ll get credit for the referral (allegedly (let me know and I’ll see if it worked)). If I win, I play any game you guys want no matter how horrible and post my review (in any format you desire) for you to see.
No this is not an April Fool’s joke you cynical little ninny.