My column, Critical Hit, is now up on

Category: news
Posted: March 13, 2010

So remember That site I just reviewed? Well it turns out they gave me a space to type things. So if you love watching me spread myself thin when it comes to stuff to write about, go ahead and check it out. In fact, become a member why you’re there! The more referrers I get from this site the more cash they toss my way.

Here’s an excerpt from my first article “Games As Art”:

Well of course a crappy game can still be fun. It doesn’t take much to merely be fun, after all. Sex is fun despite all the work it takes just to convince someone to hop into bed with you (or the backseat of your car (or the mall changing room (or the dirty disease ridden bathroom of the bar))). Then there’s all that tiresome tedious repetition of thrusts and strokes until finally both parties (if you’re lucky) have had enough. Yet after the fact you are left with two people sweating profusely while oozing fluids all over the bed sheets. Great, now someone has to do the laundry to clean all that up.

In other words, fun things can be dumb and messy. This is where the line is drawn between fun and art. The average game journalist will scream about how games are art and then use Okami as Exhibit A because “dem graphics sure are purdy”. It makes one wonder if they ever considered why literature is also an art since there’s a complete lack of pictures in works such as To Kill a Mockingbird (which is not an educational pamphlet on the proper disposal methods of a mockingbird, believe it or not).

Art seeks to be entertainment, true, but not by simply calling to the base primal urges and desires of humanity. We are evolved, or so the educational system has led us to believe, and are capable of greater thought than filling random holes with particular flesh digits. Art is capable of pleasing these nerve-centers in the brain while simultaneously firing up various others, making us think and feel emotion at the same time.

So go ahead and check it out if more verbose ranting about how dreary games are intrigues you!

RamblePak64 on YouTube RamblePak64 on Twitch