Nominations For Painful Game to Play

Category: news
Posted: May 10, 2010

I won the referral contest for that GameKrib site I do some writing for, and as promised I will be using the winnings to purchase a game selected by the community.

Starting today will be the final week of game nominations. Next monday (May 17th) voting will end and I’ll open up a poll for everyone to vote at. I will disqualify any game that costs $5 more than the $37.50 prize amount I had won. If there is enough money left over I will purchase the second or third place winner.

The current nominations are:

  • Resonance of Fate
  • Two Worlds
  • Deadly Premonition
  • Sonic 2006
  • Harvest Moon: Magical Melody
  • Damnation
  • Fishy Fishy
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia
  • Oneechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad/Zombie Slayers

Extra conditions, as well as nominations, can be viewed or submitted in the GameKrib forum thread, in our very own forum or even at the bottom of this news post you are reading now.

So go ahead and nominate the worst fate you can imagine. Games are limited to the Xbox 360, Wii or Nintendo DS as I unfortunately do not have a Playstation 3 or a proper gaming-ready PC.

RamblePak64 on YouTube RamblePak64 on Twitch