RambleCast - Controversial Games, Beyond Spoilers
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This episode’s topic, games with controversial content, was inspired by some of the reactions I’ve seen to one of the scenes in the recent release Beyond: Two Souls. I think, on the whole, we have a pretty good discussion again. As usual, there were a few points that Gerry and Woodward were able to bring to mind that I hadn’t previously considered. On the whole, though, I think there is a time and a place for controversial content, and in some cases I think we’d be doing ourselves a disservice to avoid a product simply because it evokes negative emotions.
We also discuss the new Pokemon X/Y games, Tokyo Jungle and Nuclear Throne.
You can find more of Gerry’s content at Geek Bravado or his YouTube channel.
You can listen to Chris Woodward’s podcast over at Principled Uncertainty or check out his blog.
You can check out the GamersWithJobs Extra Life team here.
You can listen to more from Amanda Lepre at her website.