RambleCast - New Year’s Gaming Resolutions
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Now that the holidays are over and the adjustment to a new year has completed, Gerry, Erika and I share our gaming resolutions for 2015. On the whole, each of us would like to improve the quality of the content we provide, which I think showcases our dedication to being content creators on the whole. Indeed, this podcast in some ways even sounds like a brainstorming session for creating more interesting and unique content. Yet there’s also plenty of vows we make as consumers in order to enjoy our hobby even more this year. So, what sort of resolutions for gaming do you have this year?
You can read Gerry’s blog at Geek Bravado and check out his YouTube series Retro Flashback.
You can read Erika’s blog at Rika Confesses or visit her YouTube channel.
Music is from Super Smash Bros. WiiU (originally from Super Smash Bros. Brawl).
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