RambleCast - NFC - Batman vs. The Dark Knight
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Welcome to the pilot episode of Norwood Film Club, a gathering of my personal friends at my apartment to watch and discuss films. It’s a bit of a rough cut filled with a lot of lessons learned. The first being that it’s really not a good idea to be rather drunk when you record. While there were a lot of great spots in this episode, I feel I make for a better host when I am sober. So hopefully future episodes will not be so sloppy. Even so, it was a great time, and I feel like there is a lot of potential with the series.
There was one point I had hoped to discuss about Tim Burton’s Batman as a counterpoint to Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, mainly in how Vicki Vale goes from being a woman with ambition and a purpose, defined by her talent in a profession and willingness to go into a dangerous territory, she ends the film as nothing more than a love interest. Whereas Christopher Nolan films tend to be about the woman interferring with male professionalism, Tim Burton’s Batman turns Vicki Vale from a career woman with a sense of motivation to nothing more than arm candy. An interesting point, but one that was frequently sidetracked away from and largely overshadowed.
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