RambleCast - NFC - Fight Club

Category: article
Posted: March 02, 2015

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Welcome back to another edition of the Norwood Film Club. As stated previously, for the next year the podcast will be updating more often, and part of that is due to the film content. I’m hoping this breaks things up interestingly, and that I not only cater to a broader audience, but am able to help generate greater interest in both games and film to those that are not usually so inclined to discuss them.

This week we discuss Fight Club, an admittedly deep film that we were unable to cover in the time we had. There’s an awful lot going on and a lot to ponder over. It should be noted that any thoughts expressed within the podcast are largely done so in an effort to understand what the narrative is saying and where it is coming from, but this does not mean it is endorsing such views nor are we as listeners making judgment calls. Regardless, what makes Fight Club such a good film is that it is able to adapt a very interesting book, highlighting the strengths of the original narrative while combining them, and perhaps even enhancing them, with the strengths of a visual medium such as film.

We’re still figuring out what works and what doesn’t when recording the Film Club, and your feedback is greatly appreciated. On the whole, I think this is a very strong episode and discussion and hope you enjoy it.

You can read Dave’s blog at The Caffeinated Symposium.

You can follow Joey on Twitter at HeirAPPARENT310.

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