RambleCast - NFC - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Category: article
Posted: April 28, 2015

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The third entry in the experimental Norwood Film Club series combines a variety of geek interests with the greatly overlooked Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It released in theaters on the same day as The Expendables and Eat, Pray, Love, which was ultimately box office poison for a movie whose trailer made absolutely no sense to most watching it. Ultimately, only those familiar with the comic, knowledgeable about Edgar Wright, or just interested in the video game heavy look of the movie would go see it.

It didn’t do very well financially.

I’ve written about the comics before, and there’s a good chance I’ll continue to write about it in the future. The hype machine that is professional marketing love to throw around terms like “voice of a generation”, especially in the music industry, but there’s so much that Bryan Lee O’Malley captures with the Scott Pilgrim series that highlights everything wonderful and horrible about being a young adult in this particular era. I love it like my older brother loves Nirvana.

I imagine you’ll get some small slice of that love in this week’s episode, but if I didn’t have to be the one to edit the episode I’d have gone on much, much longer about my love of Edgar Wright’s adaptation.

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