RambleCast - Pre-orders and Retail

Category: article
Posted: July 20, 2014

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This week I’m speaking with Gerry and Wesley about the entire pre-order kerfluffle that arose when SEGA announced pre-order exclusive single player missions for Alien: Isolation. Is it a consumer hostile practice? Should we just abolish the method so we can get rid of physical retail spaces altogether and move towards digital? As always, the podcast crew lands somewhere in the middle, seeing both the positive and negative while nitpicking minor details that have nothing to do with the primary topic.

You can read Gerry’s blog at Geek Bravado and check out his YouTube series Retro Flashback.

You can follow Wesley’s new podcast over on HistoryOfTheGreatWar.com.

Music is from Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together.

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