RambleCast - Reboots

Category: article
Posted: February 24, 2014

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Gerry and I have been having a rough time of it in 2014, and only recently managed to get a new episode of The RambleCast together. Hopefully fortunes shall dare to smile upon us from here on in.

This week’s topic was reboots, where we mostly discuss the decision to give DmC: Devil May Cry the reboot and how it influenced perception of its quality. We also cover other reasons games might be rebooted, when it could be a good idea, and even what games we would reboot if given the chance. Is there anything you’d like to see rebooted? Feel free to let us know!

You can find more of Gerry’s content at Geek Bravado or his YouTube channel.

Music from Project X Zone.

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