RambleCast - The Widowers
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This week I’m joined by a very special guest, Richard Lovejoy. I know him through the GamersWithJobs community, and through there I learned about his film The Widowers. Once it was available to rent I decided to check it out, and I was pleasantly surprised at just how good a film it really was. So I invited him onto the show not only so I could talk to him about it, but also in hopes that those of you unfamiliar with the film could learn about it and its writer.
The first half of the podcast is focused on Richard’s past projects and where the inspiration for the film came from, whereas the second half goes right into spoiler territory and deeper analysis of the film’s theme and characters. The audience will be warned ahead of time. On the whole it was a really enjoyable discussion, and I certainly hope to have him back on in the future, be it for film discussion or games discussion.
You can find out more about The Widowers at the film’s website, where you can also find links to rent or purchase the film across multiple digital distribution platforms. Visit the Charred Oak Films website for more information about the film studio.
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