RambleCast - What Draws Us to Games: Mechanics vs. Narrative

Category: article
Posted: April 28, 2014

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Unfortunately this week we hit a bit of a snag. I’m not sure how, but an entire fifteen minutes of recording, or somewhere thereabouts, was lost. However, I’d say there was still enough interesting conversation worth sharing, and thus we have a new episode this week. I believe Gerry, Rika and I will be revisiting this topic in the future from different angles, as it’s a pretty large topic that we barely scratched the surface of. On the whole we primarily discuss mechanics versus narrative, where it seems Gerry and I primarily fall on mechanics. One of the observations lost was of Rika, where she confessed to being more drawn to theme and setting than either narrative or mechanics.

You can find more of Gerry’s content at his Geek Bravado blog and his YouTube series Retro Flashback.

You can follow Rika on her Rika Confesses blog and YouTube channel.

Music is from Bravely Default for the Nintendo 3DS.

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