RambleCast - What We’re Playing, March 2015

Category: article
Posted: March 23, 2015

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The usual film discussion had to be pushed back, so in its stead my friends Sean and Steven joined me to discuss games we’ve been playing. I must confess, when we recorded this I was getting sleepy and I am also at the early stages of illness, so I was feeling a bit worse for wear. At least, that’s what I’m going to blame my terrible job of being a host on. Most of our time was dedicated to speaking about DmC: Devil May Cry, Helldivers and Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae, but we got a bit of Final Fantasy Type-0, Battlefield: Hardline and Resident Evil: Revelations 2 in there as well.

In regards to Final Fantasy XV, I did play it this morning, and I can confirm that it is quite enjoyable. I would like to take back my claim that it is Entourage as imagined by the Japanese, however. It’s more like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles if the Turtles were members of a boy band.

Check out Steve’s band The Twenty Committee.

Intro and outro song is Beyond Good and Evil by Machinae Supremacy.

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