RamblePak64 - Aliens: Colonial Marines
It took a long time to complete and a lot of sifting through recorded footage, but I finally managed to complete my review of Sega and Gearbox’s Aliens: Colonial Marines. The overall impression: not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but not really worth anyone’s time to go through and play. The story, meanwhile, is pretty damn terrible.
I’ll be honest, one of the reasons it took me so long to finish this video was because I became less and less pleased with it as time progressed. It doesn’t help that it was also so long, and what little progress I could make in a single night seemed like hardly a dent. As a result, I will not make a video longer than fifteen minutes in the future. If I have a topic that needs more time to discuss, I’ll separate it into segments and create multiple videos for it.
I have already begun work on the next video, however, which should be available a lot sooner.